
Various Professional Castor Oil Process

According to a proposal, the differential miscibility of castor oil in ethanol and water could be exploited to separate ethanol from water. Burning the separated ethanol would create more energy than could be consumed in the separation process. In contrast, the separation of a small amount of ethanol (really an ethanol/water answer poor in ethanol) from water by the standard procedure of distillation requires more energy than may be produced by burning the resulting distillate.

Castor oil would be added to an ethanol/water answer in 1 version of this process. The ethanol would mix freely with castor oil, that is insoluble in water. The bottom layer becoming the remainder from the ethanol/water answer somewhat depleted in ethanol oil presses , there are much less than 1 percent water in the resulting ethanol/castor-oil phase which would collect as the top layer. The partial stress of ethanol above the top layer to be much higher than the partial pressure of either castor oil or water if heating this two-layer mixture to a temperature slightly below the boiling temperature of ethanol. You can condense the vapor-phase ethanol in a relatively pure state if needed.

It wouldn't be the case in the presence from the leading castor-oil/ethanol layer even when heating an isolated ethanol/water answer like that within the bottom layer would normally raise the vapor pressure of both ethanol and water above the solution simply because you will find two reasons: Only slightly upon heating would the amount of water that could dissolve within the leading castor-oil/ethanol layer improve. Around the other hand, ethanol could readily cross the interface between the two layers and enter the top layer. As long as the total mix was kept at a temperature beneath the boiling temperature of ethanol (thereby stopping agitation of the layers by boiling) seed oil press, the diffusion of water via the castor-oil/ethanol phase could be inhibited.

In an option version of this idea, the upper castor-oil/ethanol layer would be skimmed off and heated to obtain the ethanol. As soon as the ethanol was driven off, the castor oil might be returned to an ethanol/water answer to dissolve more ethanol to repeat the process. This concept could readily lend itself to a continuous process. Apart from castor oil (1 of its elements perhaps, or an additional substance), substances could be used within this process or to extract other compounds from other mixtures by utilizing this upper-of-two-phases vaporization method.