Now it's extremely easy to transport crude oil to refineries exactly where it's transformed into the goods we use every day such like pipelines, railroads, tankers, and trucks. Oil refineries seem like they would be dirty places, but most governments have placed restrictions on how refineries dispose of waste products and what they can emit into the air. There are lots of environmental applications which have made oil refining a safer, cleaner industry.
After the oil becomes vapor, it enters the bottom from the distillation column via a pipe. There are many plates or trays within the distillation column which is a tall tank The vapor rises in the column, cooling as it rises. The particular vapors cool at their boiling points and condense on the plates or trays within the column. Much like water condensation on the outdoors of a cold glass, the vapors turn into oil extraction plants as they condense. Then the liquid fractions will be collected through pipes. The fractions consist of gases, naphtha, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, lubricating oils, heavy oils, and other supplies.
Then the liquid fractions will probably be sent to other parts of refinery to procedure deeply.